Sunday, June 16, 2013 ghd straighteners smg585

Phoenix for some strange tianjiao fat Why have such a great reflection. The fat man stopped and said: Can we change a place? Phoenix tianjiao strange looked at the fat man said: how? That there is a problem? That... there's something too expensive! Fat how the nerve to say it happened yesterday! Had to be temporarily random Bianlegan reason to cope with what! You do not have to spend money! Full count ghd ! Just ghd hair straighteners also selling point for something else? Fung tianjiao set up a funny fat man, pulled hard like the fat once pulled into a little shop.

Chu Jie yesterday, the mood is actually very easy. Yesterday embarrassing things, fat hit 1.2 million heart do not want to come here. Especially this time followed phoenix tianjiao of the more important phoenix tianjiao of arm seems from the outset not move from the ghd straighteners body down, which in turn with Chu Jie together yesterday is how similar! To the store ever since a fat man's eyes began to dodge it, for fear of yesterday 'acquaintances' saw the sudden, what embarrassing things.

Just the second floor, is still that middle-aged man, immediately welcome with a smile up: Feng main fact for coming, really beneath Yuan Ying ah! Phoenix tianjiao almost more familiar with the middle-aged man, generous smiles: No, today I was to accompany a friend to come over to buy some clothes tomorrow, New Year, do not forget to give me a discount ah! The middle-aged man laughed: it is a natural! Fung main fact is willing to visit the store, shop honored. Friend phoenix main fact is ghd hair straighteners a friend, ghd hair straighteners certain... ah!

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