Thursday, June 13, 2013

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Lifeless ruins of a seat in front of Li Feng emerge. Fortunately, however, Li Feng was not alone, there should be thousands of Meinv ghd hair straightener Xiangpei. Looking at the bodies lying on the ground can imagine Li Feng came to this world and has been doing. Kept in the hands of two pistols fired bullets. Because the bullet is unlimited, so Li Feng never replaced a clip. In the back is a plus Li Feng, the ruins of a building floor, Li Feng just need to face the balcony stairs on it. Although the speed beauties soon, but for a ground speed of the corpse Meinv but did not have any handy.

Readily shut the door,ghd, shut the door and then use wood, because Meinv only speed, strength is not great so locked the door after Li Feng will have a clean one's leisure opportunities. Hundredth power, do not know in the end how ah. Li Feng sighed. Before coming, due to space restrictions in Li Feng only one percent of the original strength. Only strength but did not go down much, in addition to their original strength was sealed the rest of the stuff was readily available. Li Feng came over almost a general understanding of the world, but after seeing these strange Li Feng, they feel that their strength is still very strong.

Enlightened look surprised,ghd nz, Li Feng, all attributes are more than 500, strength is 854 (sealed in), Agility 584 (sealed in), the spirit of 945 (sealed in). Li Feng, although this property looked a little surprised but also reasonable. Their strength, although only one percent of the original, but still very NB. When their efforts in XINQIU enough to flatten under a huge mountain, even one percent of the strength of Li Feng is still very strong. Simple conversion for a moment, their attributes, and all-rounder 113 summoned up the courage, but is reported the highest levels of people in this world but also 81 only.

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